
Black | White - part 3




Black | White - part 2

Part II-b&w




Black | White - part 1

I have always loved high contrast black and white photos.
 Recently, I started a project to take ordinary, or not so ordinary pictures, and make them b&w. With less color, I think it allows me to focus more on the subject and other details in the photo. It is amazing how different, in a good way, a photo looks when it is changed to b&w.
I really enjoyed taking these and playing with my manual settings as well with light. I even went out of my comfort zone and did some lighter b&w photos.
So here is the first set of a couple.

If you have a favorite, let me know!





I got the music CD, The Story, a bit ago. All the songs on there are written in first person and take on the personality of old and new testament men and women which is really unique. When I heard this song, it became one of my favorites and since Easter is quickly approaching, thought it a good time to share this.
Just a reminder to me as well as those who read this, even though Easter is once a year, there is reason to celebrate Christ and His resurrection every day! Think about it, how many people do you know lived perfectly, died the death you deserved, and rose from the dead, so that you could have eternal life and be clothed in His righteousness?



sung by Natalie Grant


Junk Journal

So what is a Junk Journal?
 Basically, it is a composition notebook with cute paper glued onto it which contains little odds and ends that you want to keep but don't know were to put.
Kinda like a scrapbook.
That being said, I thought I would share mine with you. 
I started it about 3 years ago and even though I haven't filled all the pages, I decided I needed a new one as it didn't close.
Here are a few of my favorite pages.

