
Mexico // Las Arenas & Club El Morro & Home before the storm // Day 6-7-8

The last post of Mexico):
Day six started early. 
Grandpa Hawk and I woke up early to watch the beautiful sunrise and take pictures. We passed by locals, walking on their way to work, and drank some hot coffee despite it being extremely humid. After breakfast, we drove down to Las Arenas and enjoyed the beach as well as finding some unique shells and coral. There, I learned to eat a mango "like a native" as Grandpa Hawk says. The next day, we packed up and had to leave due to the in coming storm. We spent the last day, day seven, at Club El Morro had those yummy bacon wrapped hot dogs for dinner. I was able to get a couple more photos before my camera shutter broke. Day eight, we packed up and headed to the airport, where the electricity went out a couple times, and the winds picked up as well. It got pretty exciting when you can feel the airplane being rocked back and forth by the wind while it's still parked on the ground. God brought us safely through though, and after a couple minutes of bumpy flying, we made it through the storm. We made it back over the boarder, drove home, and had some pizza.



Day 7

my lens shutter broke...