
A New Year

So... it is 2012 2013. 

Things I did last year:

-tried fake nails
-ate crab eggs
-tried new cooking recipes
-became efficient at changing baby diapers
-read my bible consistently
-meet and stay in contact with friends out of state
-be able to handle the most difficult school year yet with God's grace

Things I would like to accomplish this year:

-write in my journal regularly
-survive another semester of school
-be more dependent on God trusting Him during difficult situations
-learn how to better manage my time
-to stretch my camera abilities
-try a new sport or even to get back into one

                    What are the things you have done this year or want to do next year?


  1. That is FANTASTIC, Allison. =)

    (Now) last year I threw some parties, went to Hawaii, went to a couple of museums, hung out a lot with my family...

    This year I wanna work more on my photography, learn Japanese better, cook some more and drink more water!

  2. You did a lot of fun things last year! Good goals! I should add drinking more water to mine too(:


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