
I Celebrate

Hey everyone! 
Happy Easter! 
A couple days ago, I had this idea for a poem(not much of a poem person) but felt like I should right it down. So I'd like to share it with you today. Just reading the crucifixion story and thinking about all that Jesus went through for me and you was just amazing. There are so many time were, if I were Him, I would have sinned, and yet He bore all the humility and pain without sinning once! It is so crazy to think about that! Have a wonderful Easter!

I Celebrate

Because He came down to earth
Because He became a man
Because He lived a perfect life
Because He came to serve
Because He loved those who scorned Him
Because he was obedient even unto death
Because He did not call upon a thousand angels to rescue Him
Because He spoke not a word in His defense
Because He was mocked, scourged and hung
Because He said, "It is finished"
Because He took upon Himself the sin of the world
Because He was buried and raised on the third day
Because He now is victorious over death
Because He did this for me
I celebrate!


  1. Lovely! Thanks for the video - I enjoyed it!

  2. Wow! Seeing all those reasons for Christ's death and resurrection is overwhelming. And then seeing all those reasons dancing to the glory of God. That's really cool!


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